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The project “Population Growth Analysis: Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic Trends” focuses on understanding the differences in population growth between these two groups. The data used in this analysis comes from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Vintage 2023 Population Estimates, which was cleaned and prepared by extracting relevant growth figures for Hispanic and Non-Hispanic populations over the past few years. The variables are defined as the annual population estimates (in millions) for each group, measured across different years. The key takeaway from this analysis is that both the year and population group significantly influence growth trends, highlighting the dynamic demographic shifts within the U.S. population.

Project Background

My name is Sharav Joshi. I’m a high schooler in Lexington, MA, and I have a passion for data science.

Contact Information

  • Email: sharav4joshi@gmail.com

Github Repo: https://github.com/sharav12/ultra-project

course homepage: https://bootcamp.davidkane.info